214-MASWC Mantec Spare Wheel Carrier.
Patent: GB2502097
Design Registration Protection: 000919592-0002
For swinging half door Defenders: 216-MASWC half door conversion kit (additional purchase).
Patent: OHIM: 1149363 UK Patent; GB2503083
MANTEC’s Spare Wheel Carrier is a unique, patented design for the rear door of the Land Rover Defender. If you have ever had a door mounted spare wheel carrier rattle and then fall apart, you will appreciate the design and manufacturing quality of our product.
The Mantec piston carrier allows one swinging action to open the back door with the wheel carrier, allowing passengers to open the door to exit safely from inside the Land Rover. All the weight of the spare wheel is taken off the back door by the spare wheel carrier by a mount onto the chassis.
Fits Defender 90 and 110 models with original style door; the door plate fixings have configurations for both pre and post TD5 doors.
216-MASWC Mantec half door conversion kit